Monday, November 19, 2007

Journal entry 11/19/07

So I haven't written anything else down until today


I had my first official OB appt last Thursday 11/15. There was something more than a little speck in there this time and we saw it attached to the yolk sac. David got to see the heartbeat for the first time. she didn't do the Doppler though so we didn't get to hear it yet. It was really exciting and I Loved having David with me. I will make sure he can go every time, its not the same without him there.

This U/S measures at 7 weeks and says my EDD is 7-2-08, but according to my LMP my EDD is 6-20-08, the Dr. said early U/S aren't as accurate at calculating EDD, so I'm due sometime between 6-20 and 7-02

Our next appointment is Dec 13th, another month, just before I fly home for Christmas too!

My bbs are getting more and more sore everyday. I'm not as tired all the time like I was but still most of the time and still HUNGRY!

The worst thing right now for me is all the zits on my face, I'm breaking out really bad, I haven't had this many zits in forever! I had two REALLY bad days of bloating on friday and saturday.

I started my blog today (here I am) and hope to transfer what I write here onto there and post pictures of U/S and belly pix.

I told Shelly on Thursday after the appt. I called her and left a message that she would never believe who I saw today and that she had to call me back asap to see the picture. I tried to make it seem like I saw someone famous. So she called back all excited. Then I emailed the picture of the U/S to her titled "OMJ check this out". I think she may have thought it had to do with Josh Groban, her computer finally downloaded the picture and she was confused and laughing, saying what is this, and realized the person I saw today was my baby in my belly :0

I told Christopher & Jessica last night. She sent me a link to a really cute website that puts your face on an elf that dances and sings Christmas music, and it was so hilarious, of her, Christopher, Dylan and Addison, I couldn't stop laughing. So I came up with the idea to create one of us making a third elf with the U/S picture. Then when I got them on the web cam last night I emailed it so they could be surprised when they saw it. I don't think Jessica was very surprised, she had that smile like "I knew it". When I was on the web cam at Aaron's Halloween party she heard me say to David "should we tell them"

I am planning to tell my closest friends at Christmas when I go back home.

I got an email from my friend Jenifer today and she said she is trying for baby #2, how fun, I may have to tell her sooner, who knows

We took belly pictures yesterday also, finally, Ive been slacking off. We plan to continue that every week if we can or every other week, nothing but bloating so far.

11-14-07 my first written entry

Until now I have written in a journal twice including today just to catch myself up on whats been going on. I want to buy a pregnancy journal I just haven't found one I liked yet so Ive been jotting down notes. Here is my first entry to catch everyone up.....


Here is the official start of my journal. My first OB appt. is tomorrow at 8 am.

I stopped my BCP Saturday Septemeber 8th and started my AF Wednesday September 12th. I wet out of town 10/12 - 10/22 and took 3 negative tests in that week. I finally got a positive on Oct. 23rd, which was 2 weeks late on my next AF. The last negative one I took prior to that positive was a week earlier that Wednesday.

I started out really tired, probably at first from jet lag and traveling but it never ended. The day I flew home on the 22nd I did get really emotional from leaving my cellphone in the airport bathroom, and realizing this after leisurely walking out of the security area. Then I was so tired and so BLAH for 2 weeks with no desire to do anything

When I got my first positive test I didn't know whether to scream, cry, or throw up, I was running all over the apartment in and out of different rooms. David left his phone at home so I couldn't call him and I couldn't get a hold of my mom for over an hour. It was brutally painful and awful not to be able to tell anyone at that point :0) I then drove to Davids work to "bring him his cellphone" and showed him the positive test, and he picked me up hugging and swung me around.

David proceeded to tell every one he knew which made me jealous because I wanted to wait at little while. So the next person I told was Rhonda. She left me a message a week later, saying she had a dream I was pregnant. I called her back and talked for a little while waiting for the right moment to say something. Then she reminded me that she had the dream and I nonchalantly replied by saying she must be psychic. It was pretty cool since I dreamt she was pregnant and found out 2 days later she was with Lainey :0)

I plan to tell Shelly tomorrow after the U/S.

My first symptoms were tiredness and swollen bbs. They just seemed a little bigger. Then I very shortly started getting hungry about every 2 hours and peeing a little more.

This last week I've had to get up every night around 4 am to pee and last night my bbs started to get more sore when I layed on my stomach, my bbs have grown a lot in this last month, and seem a lot more full.

My belly is growing from having to eat every 2 hours. so far measurements at the biggest part is 34.5 inches, and I weigh 135lbs. It'll be fun to see how much that grows

yesterday and today have been the first time I've felt like I've had some energy, for at least a few minutes that is. I've also noticed a few weeks ago my face not looking so clear, more redness and bumps, and I woke up this morning with a pimple :0(

Well I'm hungry again and I am very excited for my appt. tomorrow. Last Wednesday I saw the heartbeat when Tien scanned me at work, hopefully we will see more tomorrow.

first post - due July 2nd, 2008??

Here is my first post, just a note that this will be a blog about my pregnancy for my family and friends where I can share pictures and journal entries of how things are changing, Ill have u/s pictures whenever I get them and belly pictures every week, and also how Im feeling and how many more zits I have growing on my face, oh the joys of pregnancy, so let me go get this thing started!