Wednesday, August 5, 2009

some new pix

a sneak peak at some new pix of Alana

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bad Mommy

omg. I was so busy last weekend I didn't get to post on Alana's Birthday. I wanted so bad to post and have June 20th show up... too bad we were busy celebrating in Las Vegas!

Yep Alana turned 1 last Saturday. We had a party for her the end of May while we were in Virginia. The whole 1st bday with family party and tutus and fairy wings. But on her actual birthday we drove to Vegas with my sisters and mom and had a small dinner with cake and waiters singing.

Alana is walking all over the place now, she really doesn't crawl much anymore. She started walking the Saturday before her birthday. Just 1 day and she was like a pro. She likes to say "uh oh" in her baby words when she drops stuff off her high chair or wherever she may be. She also likes to do her fake cough if she hears you cough. She still has this weird thing she does, she scrunches up her nose and breathes in and out loudly. Its weird but really cute. I have a picture of it somewhere. She is getting better at waving "hi" and now will wave "bye" but she will wave with both hands, opening and closing her hands. Its super cute.

We go for her 1 year appt tomorrow. I only pump twice a day now, down from 4 times a day. I am really losing my milk now. I get about 8 oz a day for her pumping and just nurse her after work. I hate to see it go, but I just don't want to pump at work anymore.

We are planning to take some pictures of Alana this weekend for her 1st bday pix. A few down at the beach and some at the Botanical Gardens. I hope to get a new camera and then David can photoshop them to our liking. I wanted something special for Alana's bday pix, not just boring old sears, and I can't afford a pro photographer. So I am hoping I can duplicate some nice pix on my own.

Well I'll go work on some pictures now to share with this post

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy 1st Mother's Day

Yay, my first real mother's day. David made us breakfast this morning then we went to the park and took some pix with Alana, had a late lunch and came back to hang out around the house, I also got a present this morning from David and Alana, I got a new Ipod Touch, wow!!

Alana was standing a few times today, un-assisted, only for a 4-5 seconds, and I would get all excited and scream, David she's standing and it would startle her and she would plop down,

She is walking pretty good with the little hand held walker. She is getting very clingy towards me lately, not sure what it is, maybe she is just hungry and she knows I'm her source of food.

David is working on Alana's pre-birthday invitations. I finally finished all 12 tutus, I made a bib for Alana's b-day, I painted the wands and just have to glue the stars on. I hope to get it shipped out to my mom's house this week.

I can't find my digital camera adapter to hook the card into the computer so I can't upload any new pictures right now, hopefully I will have time for that another day this week. I want to show some of the pictures we took today at the park

Alana is just getting so big, we can't wait to go home in just a couple weeks to share her with all her family, they won't even recognize her, I can't wait for her to see everyone!!

goodnight, back to work tomorrow

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

10 months and 2 days

Well I have severely neglected my blog readers from Alana's updates. Alana is now 10 months and 2 days old. She is now is the double digits..crazy. Lots of first going on as you may guess. My mom and sisters came to visit us in mid March, just as Alana was rocking back and forth and starting to crawl. Just the next week after their visit Alana was crawling all over the house. In the last month she has been pulling herself up to stand. Her favorite place to stand is in front of the tv and she loves to turn the volume up and turn everything on and off. She now loves to go into her cabinet in the kitchen and pull out all the plastic containers and lids and drag them all over the house.

Yesterday I was playing with her at daycare when I was picking her up and I brought her over to the baby walker (with a handlebar and wheels for babies to push around) and she was totally pushing it and walking with it. Her feet were still a little turned out, but still she was walking with it. Today I was holding her hands while she was slowly walking with me in the kitchen

Today also when I went to pick her up from daycare she was smiling and excited with her mouth wide open and I saw a the start of 2 little white teeth making their way out of her gums. So soon she will have some cute little teeth to show off in her pictures.

I think I am finally done uploading all the back dated pictures of Alana and have been separating them by months.

We will be in Virginia next month for a wedding and will be celebrating Alana's birthday on May 30th, almost a month early but we really wanted to share and celebrate with all her family.

well David is getting upset in the kitchen because apparently he has too many dishes to wash so I should go. pictures to follow

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Alana is 8 months old today

I've been mia for a little while, I feel like I've missed out on so much these last few weeks, I've been super busy at work and keeping and eye on this little one who gets into everything

Alana is 8 months old today and for the first time tonight I saw her scoot herself forward a little, she rolls all over the floor and can scoot backwards, she can get up on hands and knees but no real crawling,

I heard her say mwua mwua the other day.. the closest thing to mama.. she has been saying da da for a while now and lots of ba ba ba's

Her favorite food is sweet potatos and it is now completely impossible to put a diaper on her

here are some pix I took today for her mini photo shoot

and some pix from last month